While I was growing up in India, nature was everywhere. I didn’t have to look for it. Additionally, my dog, Jespa, helped me stay connected to the natural world around us. In fact, he sparked my passion for wildlife conservation. In my early teenage years, Jespa died (I wrote about it in Stillborn) and the spark was then generated by my involvement with the boy Scouts. In our school in St Vincents, students had the option to join the boy Scouts from 12 to 14 years old, and continue on as a Scout Master. The Scouts were an integral part of my life. Using the Scouts as my source of external motivation, I brought a variety of skills into my comfort zone including hiking, knots, fire-building, stargazing, and wild natural habitats.

When backpacking, I naturally gravitate towards exploring nature habitats around the world – forests, jungles, national parks, reserves, botanical gardens, you name it. My love and fascination for nature is also what motivated me to learn diving so that I could explore the other 70% of the world. Check out my instagram for some of this footage!

In the last few years, I’ve moved my career toward using my strengths to fulfill my values. My Ph.D. enabled me to figure out how to harvest solar energy using only light. My start-up, Stocate, is helping consumers buy sustainably. I’m also writing a book that explores how to find our own resonance by living sustainably.

In these endeavours, my daily inspiration comes from nature itself. I’ve lived right next to Mont Royal for the last 7 years. In the summers, I spend most of my active alone time exploring its landscape. In the winters, I shift that attention to my houseplants, which are thriving!

The solarpunk movement believes that both society and nature can mutually support each other to flourish. To realize such a positive feedback loop, we need to innovate ways to improve how we treat our planet and its inhabitants. So, I’m conducting research, creating strategies, designing technologies, and building sustainable solutions. Imagine living in a circular economy with equal opportunity – where all forms of Life thrive and pollution is obsolete. If you’re interested in socio-economic, environmental, and technological development, I would love to hear from you!