In today’s world of information and misinformation, we search for what is right. To find the answer, we can start from a simpler question: what is true? My search for the truth led me to write this book, “The way of Life,” or TwoL.

TwoL explains my understanding of the way of Life. It contains concepts that I believe in, those that I have been made to believe, those that I want to believe, and some beliefs that I am still trying to understand. As long as you keep an open mind, your instinct will tell you which to believe for yourself.

TwoL is my direct response to the problems of species extinctions, pollution, modern slavery, climate change, colonialism, incompetent decision-makers, fake news, indoctrination, discrimination, toxic masculinity, and narcissism. My motivation to publish this book lies in the urgency to work together to overcome these threats to our wellbeing before it is too late. We must understand the truth so that we are not convinced by the lies.

This is why TwoL is meant to be constructive (what is, instead of what is not), concise (minimum words), comprehensive (maximum perspectives), objective (minimum interpretation), and accessible (minimum vocabulary). However, much of the writing is still raw and unfiltered. If it seems unreasonable, harsh, or downright strange, I apologize in advance. My intention was merely to share my thoughts with you so that they provoke thoughts of your own. If you do not understand something, please ask me to clarify. If you disagree with something, explain your argument. If something resonated with you, let me know so that I will keep it.

Writing this book has been my exercise in defining how I want to live my life, and why. It has improved my my life already. I hope that reading it will improve yours too. I hope that it will help you cultivate your own way of Life.

Access the book draft here.